Thursday, January 24, 2008

Blood tests, headaches, crazy dreams...

I received my blood test results from the 15th. When I had blood drawn on January 7th, my hCG was 39000 and my progesterone was 13.2. When I had blood drawn on January 15th, 8 days later, my hCG was 109000 and my progesterone was 21.6. Yahoo!! Everything's good!

My all day sickness seems to be subsiding. I still feel nauseous occasionally between breakfast and lunch and if I wait too long to eat, but overall things are better. I've now been having sinus problems which led to a headache yesterday the kept me home from work. My teeth/jaw/ear hurt so bad that I couldn't even lie down on my left side on a pillow. That really sucks. It's better today, but still there.

I took a brief nap yesterday while I was home...about 45 minutes of sleep. I've had very vivid dreams for the past 2 weeks everytime I go to sleep. As I was napping yesterday, I had a dream that I was working with some very strong chemicals. I had on gloves, but there was a rip in my left glove. The chemicals got onto my hand, so I went into the bathroom and was frantically scrubbing my hand because it was burning and hurting. When I woke up, the palm of my left hand close to my thumb was BRIGHT red, burning and swollen. It was very freaky. I never did figure out what exactly happened. Weird!!

My dreams are sooo freakin' weird!! The latest one is that I was in a swimming race in a river...the objective was to swim to a cave and recover a poster with Grover from the Muppets on it. I got to the cave second, but the first guy didn't bring a plastic bag to protect the poster. And, as luck would have it, I did!! So, I got the poster and won the race! No, I'm not crazy. I swear. Did anyone else have crazy dreams like this when you were pregnant?

Last night I had a dream about my friend Chris and his wife Michelle. I haven't seen them in almost 2 years!! Why would I dream about them?! Weird.

I have my 8 week appt. today, so there will be another update within the next couple of days about that...and AND AN 8 WEEK PICTURE!! My pants are beginning to get snug...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I never have dreams really, but lately I have crazy dreams too. Fun times.
Just switch to elastic pants or maternity ones... they are SO much more comfy! ;)

Anonymous said...

My sister said she had some really vivid dreams. That was her favorite part about pregnancy. She loved going to sleep just to see what she was going to dream about this time. This past Christmas when we were talking she said she thought she was having a boy (she didn't find out the gender & he's 2 now) because a lot of her dreams seemed to be full of testosterone... like high speed chases or monster trucks or something. I don't remember exactly.