Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Crazy Thirst for Knowledge

...that is sometimes detrimental. Did you know that there is a such thing as being too informed? Atleast I think there is. I am notorious for taking days, weeks, even months sometimes, to make a decision...because I want all of the information I can get on the subject at hand so that my decision can be an informed one. When I do not do my research, I end up with shiny red expensive apples that taste the same as the non-shiny cheap ones.

BUT...the flipside of that is the fact that I sometimes gather TOO much information and then lose all ability to make a decision. And then husband has to do that for me. Which sucks. Not that he's bad at making decisions, just that I can't stop splitting hairs and get the job done. I guess this may be one of my biggest character flaws.

That being said, today I signed up for our last childbirth class...Natural Childbirth. Now we are registered for three classes: Childbirth Prep, Natural Childbirth, and Breastfeeding Basics. To me, that isn't alot. There are actually more classes that I want to take, but I don't want to pay for them. Like Newborn and Infant Care Basics. But I think I'll then be getting into the "too much information" territory.

I had to sign up for the Natural Childbirth class through the hospital's doula service. I thought this was strange, but I found out that this is done for 2 main reasons: 1. Hardly noone takes the class, so it's free. and 2. They hope you will use their services after taking the class. Now, I was not pressured into using doula services. The very helpful woman was okay with me just taking the class. She asked me if I had thought of using doula services and if I wanted some information on how all that works. I have thought of this and she gave me a very brief overview of the cost and how the program works. And I'm now leaning toward the services.

I feel that it couldn't be a bad thing for a supportive person who helps pregnant women for a living to help me be informed about a birthing plan and how to put that plan into action and/or revise it at the last minute. I ALWAYS need a plan even if I don't always follow it. I do trust in my ability to make decisions and I trust Chris to make decisions for me...but we've never done this before. I do realize that many, many women give birth without the help of an outside source and live to tell about it. But not all of those women are crazy plan-needers like me.

And that paragraph that you all just read is exactly the reason that too much information can be detrimental...and a classic example of why I am crazy. Having a doula can only make this experience more positive. This is my decision to make...can I do it? The hair-splitting stops now.


Anonymous said...

Well, I think you should use the doula service. I know that they are very helpful to people who really want to do the natural childbirth thing. And you have said all along that you want to; so there you have it - using a doula will most likely make you more successful with your "plan," which in the end will make you happiest.