Wednesday, July 2, 2008

30 Weex

I know, I know. It's 31 weex. But I've been busy and my 30 weex appointment that was scheduled for last Friday was rescheduled for yesterday. So there wouldn't really have been any news until today anyway!!

Things have been CRAZY!! We've been doing things to the house every weekend. I've been making papercrafts to sell. I've had what seems like a million appointments and I have even more coming up (some of them are for hair and nails and such, but they're still appointments. Even huge pregnant ladies need to look pretty!). I've been to 5 sessions of Childbirth classes now. GEEZ!! No wonder I'm tired!

My appointment went...well. Last Friday, I had a bout of decently strong BH contractions. For a 4 hour period in the evening, I had 5 contractions per hour. They didn't hurt. They weren't in one every 12 minutes or anything. Very sporadic, but still too many in my mind. They weren't getting "longer, stronger and closer together," so I put up my feet and drank enough water to...something. (my pre-pregnancy brain would've put a KILLER analogy in there, but I just can't do it now...). I also noticed that Jayna was moving like a crazy baby and that she seemed to have dropped significantly. By Saturday morning, I was fine. BUT...I vowed to myself that I would tell the doctor to see what she thought. And I did tell her. She told me that, yes, that was too many contractions. No, I wasn't in any danger of having the baby. But I need to stay hydrated, "take it easy," and relax about things. (Sure, easy for her to say!! She's not having a baby in 2 months!!)

My weight is still good. My blood pressure is GREAT! I'm measuring good. Jayna's heartbeat kicks ASS!! I've been told twice now that it's one of the loudest the doc has heard. Jayna did show off for the doctor and kick and wiggle a little bit. And after the doc saw Jayna move around for a bit and then checked her heartbeat on doppler, she said the best thing that I could have ever heard a doctor say..."Man, that's a happy baby!! She is just so content!" What more could a mom-to-be ask for?

Jayna's head is way down. I'm still in no danger of preterm labor at this point, but Jayna is in position to be born...a very GOOD position to be born. You can't really tell in the pictures because of my clothes, but my belly dropped down significantly over the weekend. I now have some space between my boobs and my belly!! There for awhile they we close friends. :)

We had our natural labor class last night. It was such a wonderful class!! I'm so glad that I signed up for it and it was definitely worth the 40 minute drive! The information presented was OUTSTANDING. The doula/nurse who taught it was just the nicest lady ever. I now have a list of approximately 10 reasons why *trying* to have a baby naturally is better. Even the doula agrees that there is a time and a place for an epidural...but atleast giving natural a try is worth it for the benefits and decreased risks to mom and baby. I encourage all pregnant women to attend a GOOD natural labor class if just for the information (as well as a regular childbirth prep class). It is always good to make an informed decision.

I am still feeling well. My feet and hands have begun swelling now...especially on the 90 degree, 100 percent humidity days. I spend alot of time with my feet up on a stool when I'm sitting. I can no longer wear my wedding rings. I do get hot and VERY uncomfortable very quickly now. I have a more difficult time sleeping. I can only sleep for about 2 hours before I wake up and think I'm going to pee on myself if I don't go to the bathroom. And this baby moves sooo much. I'm not sure that she ever that good or bad??

And here's me...

30 weex

30 weex again

30 weex buddha belly

30 weex funny face


Susi said...

Pretty pictures. Love you,the new top and that big ol' buddha belly! Just about 63 days or so to go and the BEAUTIFUL LITTLE JAYNA will be here :)