Tuesday, July 15, 2008

An In-Between Post

My 32 weex appointment is today even though I am just one day short of 33 weex. This is the reason for my non-updating. I just decided to wait until the doctor visit to update...but I need some blog therapy TODAY!!

Things in the W household are going well. We have our new windows now that will be installed in the next couple of weeks. Our maternity pictures are on Friday. The baby shower is on Saturday. The art project for Miss Jayna's room is about one third complete. The glider is on it's way. The rug will be here today. Geez...things are really happening!! It's so nice to see things coming together so well! We may have gotten a slow start, but things are picking up now.

Tonight's plan is to work on a thank you note design and an announcement design. Yes, all thank you's and announcements will be handmade. Am I crazy? I think you all know the answer to that by now! I have taken advantage of the free labor of my mom and my sister-in-law who both so graciously accepted my offer to help make all of this handmade stuff...for free!! Yes, they are both helping for free. And I couldn't be more thankful for them. They have both made things a little easier on me through all of this. And I can't forget Aunt Mary! She's having my shower at her place and is doing all sorts of things to make it nice for me. Thanks, ladies!!

So, I only have 7 weex left...and that's if I make it that long!! I'm getting excited and nervous now. I'll be meeting with the doula and the pediatrician in the next couple of weeks, so those things will help put my mind at ease...a little. I also have breastfeeding class on August 7th. That should be interesting. I'm in the home stretch now! Eight months ago, I never thought I'd make it to here...


Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you! :)