Wednesday, July 23, 2008

33 Weex

I know, I know. It's actually 34 weex...but I've been busy! These past few weex have proven to be more difficult than other weex. I've been to the hospital once now. I was having some pretty heavy pressure in my lower abdomen and Braxton-Hicks contractions. I called the doctor's office, but both doctors were out at deliveries. I was told by one of the doctors to go the hospital (where she was) and they'd do some testing and monitoring from there. And,of course, when I got there, everything came to a screeching halt. All of the pressure and contractions disappeared. I was sent home an hour later only to be told that I need to take it easy and drink about a gallon of water a day. Oh, and try to stay cool. The hot weather really has an effect on pregnant people.

I am swelling up very badly now. Mostly in my feet. It really looks pretty funny. My toes look like little sausages. I've been putting cold compresses on them in the evening for about 20 minutes and that seems to help. It doesn't really hurt, but it is a little uncomfortable.

My hands hurt like hell all the time. I've been told that it's carpal tunnel caused by pregnancy and that it will go away a few months after Jayna's born. It's really difficult to type now. I can't even staple things or open soda cans. It's very frustrating and painful.

Oh, and guess what?! I now have stretch marks on my belly. Only 3, but still. I'm so very unhappy about that...especially knowing that I have about 6 weex to go. How many will there be by the time I deliver??

I went to the doctor last week for my appointment that was really supposed to be 32 weex, and everything is fine. We talked mainly about my birth plan and how I shouldn't be upset with myself if I end up having drugs instead of doing natural labor. She just wants me to be as informed as possible...and that can't be anything but good!! Jayna's heart rate was 160 BPM and she moved like a wild child while I was being examined. My next appointment is at 35 weex and then I start once a week appointments. It's getting close!!!

Jayna is a mover and a shaker. She moves all the time and she let's everyone know she's in there! It seriously looks like an alien is going to pop out of there at any time. I even saw her footprint through my skin last weekend. It was very cool and very freaky all at the same time!! She's really showing off her personality...even from in the womb!

I am now to the point that I'm ready for her to be here instead of in there. Atleast I think I'm ready. I just know that I don't think I can get much more uncomfortable...but I have 6 weex left!! Who knows what new things will be happening to me by then!!

Here are some pictures. There is no buddha belly picture because I was wearing a dress. Trust me, you don't want me lifting my dress right now!!

33 Weex

33 Weex again

The 33 Weex sexy pose...if that's even possible! :)


Susi said...

Yea-probably not a good idea to raise your dress on the WWW. You look beautiful. That sexy pose is Too Cute!