Tuesday, August 5, 2008

35 Weex

There is no 35 weex picture. Yes...I'm horrible. Maybe I'll have Chris take one tonight. Maybe. That's how I feel. Maybe everything. Maybe I'll eat dinner. Maybe I'll shower. Maybe I'll go to work. Nothing is certain right now. I feel like Jayna could decide to make an appearance anyday now and I can't do anything about it. And I'm sooo not prepared. So...maybe I'll do things and maybe I won't.

I had my 35 weex appointment last Tuesday. I was supposed to have an exam that day, but doc said that since everything was fine that we'd make the appointments every week now and do the exam at 36 weex. So, this Thursday I have my 36 weex appointment which will definitely involve an exam. Yuck, I think. I hear it's just one big ball of uncomfortable.

I do atleast one thing off of my list every other day. They are small things, like rearrange under the bathroom sink. That took me all of 10 minutes. But I still feel like I don't get anything done. Jayna's room is a wreck. There are things in there that don't belong. I ALREADY can't seem to keep it clutter-free. When I get one pile of things dealt with then there's another pile. I feel like I should be doing something off the list everyday, but that's just crazy talk. I get tired and worn out enough as it is.

On Saturday, I finally broke down and cried...and cried and cried and cried. Once it started, it wouldn't stop. I was feeling great until around dinner and I then realized that I may or may not have overdone it for the day. My body was so worn out and no way I sat or laid was comfortable. I ate dinner and that just made things worse as far as being uncomfortable. I was swollen up like a blimp and things were just horrible. I went to take a shower and as I was taking off my pants, I tripped and fell into our bed. And then it started. I got so frustrated that I just started crying. I can't even take off my pants properly at this point. And then everything else that's been difficult came to the front of my mind and added fuel to the breakdown fire. Chris came and tried to comfort me. He was being so very sweet. But I just couldn't stop. He then promptly left to get my best friends...Ben & Jerry.

I took a shower and ate some ice cream and things began to look a little better. This part of pregnancy is definitely the most difficult part. Morning sickness has NOTHING on end-of-third-trimester junk. My only solace is knowing that this will soon be over and Jayna will be here. And then a whole new set of obstacles will ensue...