Friday, August 1, 2008

The Third Trimester Yucks

So, lately I haven't been having a very easy time. Things are more difficult now. I am slightly more emotional now. I am less than slightly more giant now. Everyday tasks are difficult. I have a hard time even putting on my pants! I can't reach my feet while sitting down. I can't find a single comfortable position to sleep. I can't stand up for long periods of time. The heat KILLS me. The swelling in my feet is out of control...I've been told that nothing is wrong, I'm just swelling because of being pregnant and the heat and that there are limited things I can do about the swelling anyway. I get very winded when I exert any sort of energy. Yesterday I carried a load of laundry (not heavy) from our laundry closet to our bed which is about 15 feet away and I was out of breath.

Here's a picture of my huge-mongous feet...

Why does anyone have more than one child? Don't get me wrong...there have been WAY more good things about pregnancy than bad things, but this third trimester business is just insane!! I've been told that I will forget all of the bad things once Jayna is here and I'll focus on the good things. I guess I'll just have to trust that that is true for now because I can't see that happening at this point.

Tuesday was possibly the WORST day of my pregnancy yet. I spent ALL morning fighting back tears for absolutely no other reason than the fact that I was uncomfortable and exhausted. I just wanted to throw myself on the floor and throw an old-school 2-year-old tantrum. I didn't, but I wanted to. All afternoon was spent worrying about a doctor's appointment that ended up being fine. All evening was more of being uncomfortable and not being able to sleep.

Yesterday I had a slight freak out moment when I looked at my calendar and realized that I only have 3 weekends, 4 at best, before my due date...and I still have a list of things to do/buy a mile long before that happens. I made an actual written list of things that need to be done and bought so that I can see the big picture. It really eased my mind to see it all on paper. It is a little more manageable now that it all isn't just jumbled up in my head. All of the things to do are fairly simple and will require little effort on my part...and Chris will help me or just do it for me. He is the most wonderful husband ever. I've never known someone with so much patience...let's hope that lasts!

I am very ready for Jayna to be here...but I'm so not ready for Jayna to be here. How's THAT for a contradiction?! I'm ready to be done with the pregnancy, but not mentally or physically prepared to have a baby. Here's to hoping I'm cut out for this...


Susi said...

You know where to find me if I can be of any help at all. Hang in there you are so close to having the most wonderful gift ever:) You two are going to be GREAT parents.

Love Ya,

Anonymous said...

People should read this.